Vanessa is one of our superstar nurses. Having surpassed a couple of pre-term labor scares, and enjoying a fun filled baby shower last night at Lili's house (below), she arrived to Centro de Salud Santa Clotilde this morning in labor pain! As you can see above, she's ready for this baby to come!
Can mom or dad feed a baby faster? |
Padre Jack, making balloon animals!! What can't he do! |
One last ultrasound for Vanessa! Baby looks good!
After saying an "Our Father", as is custom here, doctors Yesica and Toni perform a Cesarean Section, to find, as suspected....
A perfectly healthy, gordita baby girl Mia Valentina!!
God Bless Vanessa and Bill and Baby Mia!
it's so great! Congrat and best wishes for all of you